Solved Assignments 2019
Assignment # 2 of 1431
Spring 2019
Question No # 1
Q.1 Differentiate between system software and application software.
System Software:-System software is a set of one or more programs, which controls the operation
and / or extends the processing capability of a computer system. In general, a
computer’s system software performs one or more of the following functions:
1- Supports development of other application software.
2- Supports execution of other application software.
3- Monitors effective use of various hardware resources such as CPU, memory,
peripherals, etc.
4- Communicates with and controls operation of peripheral device such as
printer, disk, tape, etc.
Hence, system software makes the operation of a computer system more
effective and efficient. It helps hardware components work together, and
provides support for the development and execution of application software
(programs). Programs included in a system software package are called system
programs, and programmers who prepare system software are referred to as
system programmers.
Types of system software:
Some commonly known types of system software are:
1- Operating systems:
Operating system software takes care of effective and efficient utilization ofall hardware and software components of a computer system.
2- Programming language translators:
Programming language translators transform the instructions prepared byprogrammers in a programming language into a form that can be interpreted and
executed b a computer system.
3- Communications software:
In a network environment (where multiple computers are interconnectedtogether by communications network communications software enables transfer
of data and programs from one computer system to another.
4- Utility programs:
Utility programs (also known as utilities) are a set of programs that helpusers in system maintenance tasks, and in performing tasks of routine nature.
Some tasks commonly performed by utility programs include formatting of hard
disks or floppy disks, taking backup of files stored on hard disk on to a tape or
floppy disk, sorting of the records stored in a file based on some key field(s), etc.
Question No # 2
Q.2 what is meant by operating system? Define it in detail with the help of suitable examples?
Operating System:-
Operating system (often referred to as OS) is an integrated set of programsthat controls the resources (CPU, memory, I/O device, etc.) of a computer system
and provides its users with an interface or virtual machine that is easier to use
than the bare machine.
Objectives of Operating system:
According to this definition, the two primary objectives of an op systemare:
1- Make a computer system easier to use:
A computer system consists of one or more processor, main memory, and
many types of I/O devices such as disks, tapes, terminals, network interfaces, etc.
writing programs for using these hardware resources correctly and efficiently is
an extremely difficult job, requiring in-depth knowledge of functioning of these
resources. Hence, to make computer systems usable by a large number of users,
it became clear several years ago that computer systems need some mechanism
to shield programmers and other users from the complexity of hardware
resources. Researchers gradually evolved a solution to handle this problem by
putting a layer of software on top of the bare hardware. This layer of software
manages all hardware resources of the system, and presents the users with an
interface or virtual machine that is easier, safer, and efficient to program and use.
It is called the operating system.
2- Manage the resources of a computer system:
An operating system manages all the resources of a computer system. This
involves performing such tasks as keeping track of who is using what resources,
granting resource requests, accounting for resource usage, and mediating
conflicting requests from different programs and users. Efficient and fair sharing
of system resources among users and / or programs is a key goal of all operating
Main Functions of an operating system:
Most operating systems perform the functions given below. A separate
module of operating system software performs each of these functions:
1- Process management:
A process is a program in execution. During execution a process needs
certain resources such as CPU time, memory space files and I/O devices. At a
particular instance of time a computer system normally consists of a collection of
processes. Process management module takes care of creation and deletion of
processes, scheduling of system resources to different processes requesting
them, and providing mechanisms for synchronization and communication among
2- Memory management:
To execute a program, it must be loaded in main memory (at least
partially), together with the data it accesses, to improve CPU utilization and to
provide better response time to its users, a computer system normally keeps
several programs in main memory. Memory management module takes care of
allocation and de-allocation of memory space to programs in need of this
3- File management:
All computer systems store, retrieve, and share information. Normally, a
computer stores such information in units called files. Processes read information
from files and create new files for storing newly generated information. File
management module takes care of file-related activities such as organization,
storage, retrieval, naming, sharing, and protection of files.
4- Device management:
Normally, a computer system consists of several I/O devices such as
terminal, printer, disk, and tape. The device management module of an operating
system controls all I/O devices. It keeps track of I/O requests from processes,
issues commands to I/O devices, and ensures correct data transmission to / from
an I/O device. It also provides a simple and easy to use interface between the
devices and rest of the system.
5- security:
Computer systems often store large amount of information, some of which
are highly sensitive and valuable to their users. Users can trust a computer system
and rely on it only if its various resources and information stored in it are
protected against destruction and unauthorized access. Security module protects
the resources and information of a computer system against destruction and
unauthorized access. It also ensures that when the system executes several
disjoint processes simultaneously, one process does not interfere with others or
with the operating system itself.
Q.3 (a) Identity basic elements of a communication system.
(b) Briefly explain the terms: Assembler and Linker
a) Identify basic elements of a communication system.
Communication is the process of transferring a message from one point to
The three basic elements of any communication system are:
1- A sender (source) that creates and sends a message.
2- A medium that carries the message.
3- A receiver (sink) that receives the message.
Basic elements of a communication system:-
For example, when you speak to your friend on telephone, you are the sender,
telephone line is the medium, and your friend is the receiver. This is a simple
example of voice communication. Similarly, in data communication sender and
receiver are normally machines (such a computers, terminals, peripheral devices
like printers, plotters, disks, etc.) and transmission medium is a wired / wireless
data communication channel (such as telephone lines, optical fiber, microwave
links satellite links etc.)
Electronic system that transfer data from one point to another are called data
communication system. Unlike computers that process data, data communication
systems transmit data from one point to another.
(b) Briefly explain the terms: Assembler and Linker
A computer can directly execute only machine language programs, which
use numbers for representing instructions and storage locations. Hence, we must
convert (translate) an assembly language program into its equivalent machine
language program before executing it on the computer. A translator program
called assembler does this translation. Assembler is system software supplied by
computer manufacturers. It translates an assembly language program into its
equivalent machine language program it is so called because in addition to
translating, it also “assembles” the machine language program in main memory of
the computer and makes it ready for execution.
A single programmer can write a small program and can store it in a single source
code file. However, large size software often consists of several thousands, even
several millions, of lines of program code. For such software, it is impractical to
store its entire source code in a single file due to following reasons:
1. Large size of the file makes it very difficult; if not impossible to work with for
example loading the file for compilation on computer with limited main
memory capacity may not be possible. In addition editing the file may be
tedious and time-consuming.
2. Deploying multiple programmers to work concurrently towards the
development of the software for completing it within specified time becomes
3. We need to recompile the entire source program when we make any changein the source program no matter how small. Recompilation of large source
programs is often a time-consuming process.
Question No # 4
Q.4 Explain the basic concept of multimedia identify ten different examples of
multimedia and also describe four of them in detail.
A multimedia computer system is a computer having capability to integratetwo or more types of media (text, graphics, image, audio, and video) for
generation, storage, representation, manipulation, and access of multimedia
information. Normally, data size of multimedia information is much larger than
textual information because graphics, animation, audio, or video data
representation in digital from requires much larger number of bits than plain text
data representation in digital form requires.
Text, Image, Audio, Video, Animations, Graphics drawings, 3D, Interactive, Still
Images, Footage
Text Communication:
Text communication encompasses a variety of forms and is one of the most
common forms of multimedia communication in a computer user's day-to-day
activities. Text communication includes such areas of Internet use as reading a
website, reading and writing email messages and instant messaging.
Text communication is also the oldest form of multimedia communication, as the
first computers displayed text only.
Image Communication:
Though images might not seem to be a form of communication in the same way
that text is a form of communication, it is a legitimate form of multimedia
communication that many users enjoy daily. Examples include browsing an online
photo album, opening and viewing images attached to an email and looking at
photos that accompany stories on news websites.
Audio Communication:
A common form of Web-based multimedia communication is audio
communication. This form involves receiving a message through an audio format,
such as listening to an online radio station or playing a music file. If you use the
Internet to stream a radio station broadcast, for example, you are engaging in a
form of audio communication.
Audio communication often combines with other forms of multimedia
communication. A slideshow, for example, can feature text, images and audio
Video Communication:
As its name indicates, video communication is a form of multimedia
communication through video.
It is common on many websites, including YouTube and the websites of television
stations. Since high-speed Internet has become common, video communication
has increased as users are able to access this form of multimedia communication.
Types of video communication include .AVI, MPEG, WMV and QuickTime files.
Question No # 5
Q.5 Write short notes on the following terms.
1. High Level Languages
2. Compiler and Interpreter
Answer:-High Level Languages
Both machine and assembly language have following limitations:1. They are machine dependent. We cannot execute a machine/assembly
language program on any computer other than the one for which a
programmer has written it.
2. They require programmers to have a good knowledge of the internal structure
of the computer used.
3. It is difficult error prone, and time consuming to write programs in
machine/assembly language because they deal with machine-level coding and
require us to write one instruction for each machine-level operation.
Due to these limitations, we often refer to machine and assembly languages as
low-level programming languages. High-level programming languages overcome
these limitations of low-level programming languages.
Compiler and Interpreter
Compiler:-A computer can execute only machine language programs directly. Hence, we
must convert (translate) a high-level language program into its equivalent
machine language program before we can execute it on a computer. We do this
translation with the help of translator program called compiler.
A compiler is translator program (more sophisticated than an assembler)
that translates a high-level language program into its equivalent machine
language program. A compiler is so called because it compiles a set of machine
language instructions for every program instruction of a high-level language.
Interpreter is another type of translator used to translate a high-level
language program into its equivalent machine language program. It takes one
statement of the high-level language program translates it into machine language
instructions and then executes the resulting machine language instructions
immediately. That is in case of an interpreter the translation and execution
processes alternate for each statement encountered in the high-level language
program. This differs from a compiler that merely translates the entire source
program into an object program and is not involved in its execution. The input to
an interpreter is a source program but unlike a compiler.
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